Lisa Phelps

Lisa Phelps

Hi my name is Lisa Phelps owner of Beaches Beauty Bar. I’ve been a licensed cosmetologist for 22 years working in the Jacksonville Beach area. I opened my own hair salon in 2018. Upon reopening in May 2020, post pandemic, I lost four out of my eight booth renters to Corporate salon suites. I knew my industry had shifted and changed abruptly and it was going in a very different direction.

My mission then was to establish a space that would provide a creative platform for local beauty and wellness professionals with the opportunity to be their own boss and truly own their own businesses.

To Enhance local community one person at a time, through independent boutique style , beauty and wellness suites. That would offer a comfortable peaceful, friendly environment, on a much smaller scale . And , would also offer the opportunity for growth , by choosing from one of two Tiered rental agreements . 

1. Choosing the Annual basic lease agreement. 

1. Choosing the increase in rental lease agreement. With Beaches Beauty Bar providing advertising, and marketing, on all social media platforms including basic cable television and radio spots. With the opportunity as well to increase ticket sales by selling BBB personalized boutique style products and retail.

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